Sunday, June 14, 2009

Meredith Inspired me.

She said she liked making lists, and that is something I am very happy with. 
Because I generally type in list form anyways. 
So I might as well number the lines, right?
I'm thinking that I'll try to make a list each day. 
Of at least 5 things, just random things. Whatever I'm thinking. (Which could get strange...)

Here we go:

  1. It is currently 1:28 on an early Sunday morning. 
  2. I have to teach Sunday school to a large group of 6-10 year olds in 9 hours. 
  3. My cat is asleep next to me, and I wish I could take her up to sleep on my bed in a minute, but she can't go in my room, because people sent me flowers for graduation, and my cat eats them and gets sick :(
  4. I seriously love photography. Here's the flickr account I just made to put up some pictures I took the other day.  SLIDESHOW!
  5. This summer was supposed to me the best summer ever. And it's not, nor is it going to be anymore :(
  6. I didn't want to end on a sad note, so I'm going to listen to Demetri Martin and go to bed. 


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