Monday, June 9, 2008


I was typing my English project, nice and happy on my bed, when OUT OF NO WHERE this ugly giant spider comes careening down on it's massive crazy web and swings over my bed and up my wall. 
Now, I am absolutely terrified of spiders. Like, i see one, and i freeze. I cant move because the terror renders me immobile. 
Now imagine that, only in HUGE UGLY spider form. I was trembling and on the verge of tears I was so scared. 
In Normal circumstances, I'd scream for a family member to come and get the spider. Only it was 1:30 in the morning, and everyone was asleep. So away slipped the spider. 
Ok, fine, its gone somewhere. 

But wait...somewhere IN MY ROOM.

Thats it, i'm sleeping downstairs. 

Seriously, thats how bad it is...if i know there is a bug in my room, I cant sleep until it's dead, or I sleep somewhere else. 
Darn it. 

PS: I usually name things, but this spider is soooo ugly I cant even bring myself to name it. 

PSS: AHHHHHHHHHHHH now its ON MY CELING sneaking around. I'm going to cry. 

PSSS: It's coming closer. it will eat me. 

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