Monday, June 29, 2009

I'm sad

Sorry again for not posting, we had my grad party on Saturday, and we had over 80 people, so needless to say, lots of planning, cleaning, setting up and more cleaning. 


Today is Monday, and I'm babsitting my neighbor's three boys from 7 in the morning till 4:30 in the afternoon. It's been a long day, and tomorrow is the same deal. But thats ok...I need the money, and they're not too bad. 

But thats not why I'm sad. I'm sad because I feel responsible for the death of an innocent chipmunk. And I feel awful. 

The neighbor's have these two cats, and they are supposed to be indoor cats, but they're been going out lately, and now meow like there's no tomorrow until they are let out. So one escaped on his own, and the other I let out because I couldn't take the meowing. 

Then later we are all playing outside and I see the cats chasing this poor chipmunk. They don't even catch them and eat them, they just play with them until the little munk dies. So i try shooing away the cats, and I try to pick up the chipmunk and move him. The poor thing was trembling and half its tail was gone, and I felt so bad. 
But then it jumped and the cats chased it into some poison ivy, so I couldn't follow. Then one of them comes trotting triumphantly back with the chipmunk in his mouth. Then he continues to bat it around. It was all I could do to keep playing ball with the kids and not let my heart break all over the grass for that tiny chipmunk. If I had only snatched the chipmunk up sooner, or not let the cats get out at all, it would still be alive. I feel horrible. It was so tiny and cute, and its little eyes were so scared. I miss him :(
I'm sorry chipmunk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww, Mik. I'm sad about the chipmunk too. He is now in chipmunk heaven though =)
