Monday, June 15, 2009


  1. I recall now, after waking up to do driving hours at 7:30 in the morning, why I don't have my license: because I hate driving. When I marry Rafa Nadal, I'll just hire a chauffeur.
  2. I need to read more of the books I got from the library. I started both The Road by Cormac McCarthy, and A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. And now I don't know which one to finish first. 
  3. I got quite a few Dickens books at the library, actually. As I'm graduated now, I feel like I should have read at least one of his books, and I haven't. Well, I read a Christmas Carol, but thats really short. Why don't we read his stuff in school? All we did was watch the movie...legit. 
  4. I'm really tired. I watched "The New World" last night, because it has Colin Farrell AND Christian Bale in it. And...ok, it was a very artistically well-done movie, but it was 3 hours long, and barely any dialogue. The girl who played Pocahontas  was really pretty though. (she seemed a little young however to be gallivanting about with older men..hmm)
  5. I need to go to the library and pick up some movies. 

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