Monday, June 29, 2009

I'm sad

Sorry again for not posting, we had my grad party on Saturday, and we had over 80 people, so needless to say, lots of planning, cleaning, setting up and more cleaning. 


Today is Monday, and I'm babsitting my neighbor's three boys from 7 in the morning till 4:30 in the afternoon. It's been a long day, and tomorrow is the same deal. But thats ok...I need the money, and they're not too bad. 

But thats not why I'm sad. I'm sad because I feel responsible for the death of an innocent chipmunk. And I feel awful. 

The neighbor's have these two cats, and they are supposed to be indoor cats, but they're been going out lately, and now meow like there's no tomorrow until they are let out. So one escaped on his own, and the other I let out because I couldn't take the meowing. 

Then later we are all playing outside and I see the cats chasing this poor chipmunk. They don't even catch them and eat them, they just play with them until the little munk dies. So i try shooing away the cats, and I try to pick up the chipmunk and move him. The poor thing was trembling and half its tail was gone, and I felt so bad. 
But then it jumped and the cats chased it into some poison ivy, so I couldn't follow. Then one of them comes trotting triumphantly back with the chipmunk in his mouth. Then he continues to bat it around. It was all I could do to keep playing ball with the kids and not let my heart break all over the grass for that tiny chipmunk. If I had only snatched the chipmunk up sooner, or not let the cats get out at all, it would still be alive. I feel horrible. It was so tiny and cute, and its little eyes were so scared. I miss him :(
I'm sorry chipmunk.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

lo siento

I feel like crap today, and am stressed out. I'll go into it more tomorrow probably, but here's a picture to make it up to you. 

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Sorry I haven't made a list in a few days. 
I'll try to make this one nice and humorous then. 

  1. Right now, the acoustic version of "Everytime We Touch" is playing. "LOL"
  2. Remember when I said I was reading "A Tale of Two Cities"? Haha, well, I was actually reading "Great Expectations." You may think I'm making some high-level Dickens pun, but in reality, I just never bothered to look at the cover, which would explain why the story seemed different than what I remembered about it. Another "LOL" for Mik. 
  3. I made more banana bread. 
  4. Today while doing my driving lessons (don't laugh, I hate driving, so I never bothered to learn and get my license...but I sorta need it now as I'm going to college) my driving instructor starts reminiscing about when her and her friends would smoke pot, and one boy specifically would "jump off cliffs and stuff, thinking he could fly! His name was Malakai. It was so funny." I don't know if this woman should be teaching me anything. She also speaks in "we" form. I don't even know what literary person to classify that in. I suppose the extended form of second person? Oh, and she sings really off key to "My Life Would Suck Without You," claiming it to be "her girly song" and that she had never heard of Kelly Clarkson before that some came out. And to top it all off, she yells at me for speeding home. I think I am justified in that. 
  5. Sorry that was long. To make it up to you,  I'll show you kids singing Lady Gaga.
  6. My grad party is a week away, and just the other day found out that my grandmother, whom I haven't seen in a few years, is coming down from NY for my party. Let the cleaning commence. 
  7. Here's a link to my Flickr account so you can see the pictures I've taken lately. 
  8. You should read all of John Green's books. They are amazing. Like, legit. They are all similar, but drastically different as well. The first one I read was "An Abundance Of Katherines" and I must say, for a girl who hates math, I found it highly entertaining. Read Them. 

Monday, June 15, 2009


  1. I recall now, after waking up to do driving hours at 7:30 in the morning, why I don't have my license: because I hate driving. When I marry Rafa Nadal, I'll just hire a chauffeur.
  2. I need to read more of the books I got from the library. I started both The Road by Cormac McCarthy, and A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. And now I don't know which one to finish first. 
  3. I got quite a few Dickens books at the library, actually. As I'm graduated now, I feel like I should have read at least one of his books, and I haven't. Well, I read a Christmas Carol, but thats really short. Why don't we read his stuff in school? All we did was watch the movie...legit. 
  4. I'm really tired. I watched "The New World" last night, because it has Colin Farrell AND Christian Bale in it. And...ok, it was a very artistically well-done movie, but it was 3 hours long, and barely any dialogue. The girl who played Pocahontas  was really pretty though. (she seemed a little young however to be gallivanting about with older men..hmm)
  5. I need to go to the library and pick up some movies. 

Sunday, June 14, 2009

List 2

  1. I just made banana bread, sans eggs (because we have none) and sans butter (because since the heart attack, my dad doesn't like to eat lots of fattening foods. It's cooling, but I think it's come out nicely

2. Speaking of my dad, he's painting the hallway right now. It looks dangerous.  

3. I'm cleaning the sunporch to be nice, only I've discovered Swiffers are not all that effective for cleaning up cat fur. 

4. That banana bread smells really good, but it's still hot and I can't eat it yet. :(

5. I think I'm going to read some Charles Dickins tonight, and then watch "The New World" form iTunes. It looks good, like live action Pocahontis, and not exaggerated, but real. And also what happens when they take her to England. PLUS Christian Bale is in it, so....exactly. 

Meredith Inspired me.

She said she liked making lists, and that is something I am very happy with. 
Because I generally type in list form anyways. 
So I might as well number the lines, right?
I'm thinking that I'll try to make a list each day. 
Of at least 5 things, just random things. Whatever I'm thinking. (Which could get strange...)

Here we go:

  1. It is currently 1:28 on an early Sunday morning. 
  2. I have to teach Sunday school to a large group of 6-10 year olds in 9 hours. 
  3. My cat is asleep next to me, and I wish I could take her up to sleep on my bed in a minute, but she can't go in my room, because people sent me flowers for graduation, and my cat eats them and gets sick :(
  4. I seriously love photography. Here's the flickr account I just made to put up some pictures I took the other day.  SLIDESHOW!
  5. This summer was supposed to me the best summer ever. And it's not, nor is it going to be anymore :(
  6. I didn't want to end on a sad note, so I'm going to listen to Demetri Martin and go to bed. 

A picture's worth a thousand words. 
and it also quicker to post...