I will now tell the story for your hearing pleasure with the use of handy visual aides.
First we showed up at the train station and boarded. And we were quite bored. ( insert pun ).
So when cute girls like us ( Sarah knows this ) are bored, we take pictures of ourselves. We are not vain, just bored.

Next we arrived at Ruggles Station and argued about which way to go, until a nice lady with a star tattoo told us the way. Traveling onward, another nice lady in a Monster Truck (Monster energy drinks) handed us free Monster Coffees. I didn't take one because caffeine makes me strange and uncomfortable.
Then we entered the Museum and got in free because we were 17 or under and on school vacation. Then some guy checked our tickets and told Jojo that her bag was too big and needed to be checked. To Baggage!
We checked our coats with this little older lady who didn't speak much English, but still I wouldn't mess with her in a million years. She could probably take me down with one hand.
Then we embarked into the heart of the Museum.
First we went through Egypt and the like, and looked at all the old sculptures and jewelery. It was all so amazing.
I found this helmet that looked like a Batman helmet:
Next we went through the Ancient Rome section. It was all so fantastic, and Italian-ish. I loved it. We took some interesting pictures.

Next we went into the painting section and nerded out. It was great. This nice security guard told us all about a painting we had been staring at for about 5 minutes. He told us that the Disney Castle was based on the castle in the painting. Wow. Me and Sarah (and this random kid who walked by) said that it reminded us of Narnia. I also thought it was ironic because it was called "The Forest and Hunting" or something like that, and all the men were going off the hunt, but we, the viewers, could see that all the animals were in the other direction. Haha.
I took a picture of it, but it came out blurry.
When we were looking at the painting still, Jessie taps me and says "Look right" so I lok right and see this guy intently staring at a painting. And I mean Intently. He didn't even notice us staring at him. So Jessie fell in love, and made me stand in front of random things so she could pretend to take pictures of me but actually take pictures of Edward (that's what she named him). Then eventually none of the pictures came out so she just took a picture of him outright. Only he was so focused on the art, he had no idea. What a guy.
Here is a fascinating painting of paintings. Wow.

Sorry some photos are sideways, I'm not sure how to fix that yet.
Next we went out for lunch. I had a surprisingly good burrito. When Sarah and Jojo were up ordering, Jessie took a picture of them in line and waved. And this older man thought we were waving to him, and then proceded to follow us until we left. He is actually in the corner of the picture. Creeeeeeeeeeepy.

Back in the Museum, we looked at more paintings and then went to the Gift Shop! We looked at tons of books, and suddenly the lunch hit us and we all curled up next to the "50% Off" book rack and read random books. Sarah read us this hilarious quote book and I looked at a cat book and British travel guides and such. Jessie looked for cheaper Aussie books, but didn't find any :(
Eventually we dragged ourselves up and back out into the world.
As we went out the museum door, Sarah and Jojo were walking down the steps with Jessie and I close behind, when these 2 boys turned the corner and the conversation went something like this: (correct me Jessie if i'm wrong)
Boy: Hello ladies, how are you?
Me: Good...
Boy: Did you enjoy the museum?
Me: Yes, it was very interesting.
Boy: Thats good, are you from Boston?
Me: No.
Boy: Are you a college student here?
Me: No
Boy: Then where are you from?
Me: Franklin.
Boy: Where is that?
Me: Exactly, it's kinda in the middle of nowhere.
Boy: Me too, I mean we are from Agawam.... one knows where that is. Springfield?
Me: Yep, I've been there.
Boy: Cool, well you ladies have a good rest of the day now
Me and Jessie: Thanks, bye, you too.
It was truly strange. Why?
1. They were cute.
2. That sort of thing doesn't usually happen to me.
3. If they were hitting on us, they were very polite.
4. They liked art, coz they went into the Museum afterwords.
As we walked back to the station, we all came to the conclusion that an Art Museum during vacation would be a good place to meet guys who weren't jerks, because obviously they had good taste and were well mannered.
Back at the station, I bought a water and Jojo bought an Oringina.
Then we had nothing to do, so we took pictures again until we got on the train, where we took more. Here is a string of the ones we took. Again, sorry if your neck breaks trying to see them :P